We're featured in this weeks 'Battle of the Bands' in the online version of Classic Rock magazine. How cool is that? Therefore we would really appreciate it if you would just take a moment to vote for us. Here's how to vote:
From Classic Rock's website about Battle of the Bands: Ding-ding! Seconds out! Welcome to round five of Classic Rock magazine's new war of the great unsigned! The idea is simple: we'll give you access to two unsigned bands. Download their songs and then vote for the band you like the most. The following Friday we'll count the votes – and the winner will get a spot on a forthcoming Classic Rock magazine CD, taking their music to 70,000 rock fans.

Click on this link to listen to the Magic Ship song and that our opponent: http://www.classicrockmagazine.com/news/battle-of-the-bands-magic-ship-vs-fare-evaders/ 

If, however, you are a bit pressed for time you can simply register a vote for us by sending an email with the subject line 'Magic' to classicrock@futurenet.co.uk

Thanks very much for your support.

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1 Comment:

  1. Mal Kiely [Lancelots Pram] said...
    Done and voted - for you guys, of course! heh heh

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